Making a difference to climate change mitigation

We are international experts driven by a common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Solutions that make a difference

Carbon Limits works with public authorities, private companies, finance institutions and NGOs to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Decarbonization of the oil and gas sector

Decarbonization of the oil and gas sector

Reduction of methane emissions and flaring along the oil and gas value chain

Having worked on the topic for almost 20 years in more than 30 countries, we are leading experts on all the aspects of methane and flare management. Our expertise spans across various areas, from identifying and quantifying emission sources from the air, on land or subsea to assisting policy makers and companies in implementing innovative policies. 

Whether you require a methane emissions inventory, guidance on navigating existing technologies, standards and best practices, or assistance in identifying emission abatement options throughout the oil and gas value chain, you can rely on our dedicated support.

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Climate policy and strategy

Climate policy and strategy

Economic and risk management insights to develop strategies and make better business and climate policy decisions

We assess climate change policies from both risk management and business opportunity perspectives. 

The team offers up-to-date analysis of climate policy and market developments, conducts workshops on changes in national and international climate frameworks, and assist governments and private companies in defining strategies for sustainable development  in a carbon-constrained world. Our expertise extends to cost-effective greenhouse gas abatement strategies, economic impact analysis, energy policy analysis, identifying climate policies and measures, and the implementation and linkage of emission trading schemes. Let us be your compass! 

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Carbon and climate finance

Carbon and climate finance

Current and next generation of instruments to drive low carbon development

Carbon markets and climate finance can drive effective emissions management and decarbonization. Our expertise encompasses project development, monitoring and reporting, methodology development, and quantifying emission reductions.  With extensive knowledge and practical experience of compliance and voluntary carbon markets, including emission trading systems and Article 6 of the Paris agreement, we can support the development and implementation of innovative instruments. 

Embark on a journey with us to gain insights into current and future carbon and climate finance opportunities.

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Carbon capture utilization and storage

Carbon capture utilization and storage

To abate emissions that could not otherwise be reduced

Carbon Limits has actively engaged in numerous carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including CCUS value chain assessments covering technical, economic, and environmental aspects. To name a few, we build interactive tools showing key data about sources, infrastructures, sinks and costs; analyze incentive mechanisms and deliver trainings. 

From gap analysis to roadmap development, we are committed to help you advance your CCUS initiatives in a cost-effective and sustainable way.

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Carbon dioxide removal

Carbon dioxide removal

Avoid, reduce, remove.

Our extensive expertise in CCUS, carbon finance, biogas and the agricultural sector has provided the groundwork for our expanding portfolio of projects related to Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). Our recent projects on CDR have ranged from life-cycle assessments, through policy, technical and market reviews, to registration of CDR projects for the voluntary carbon markets. Carbon Limits brings facts to the table to clarify the CDR debate.

Do you need to understand how CDR could play a role in the decarbonization of your activities and what is the potential and risk associated with different types of removals? Carbon Limits can support you with the most up to date and relevant technical, policy and market know-how.

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Low carbon hydrogen

Low carbon hydrogen

Achieving low carbon hydrogen requires a good understanding of the value chain emissions

We conducted several assessments covering the environmental impacts of various hydrogen value chains. The team also supported the development of roadmaps at country and regional levels considering the local conditions and identifying key actions in different domains to build a low carbon hydrogen economy.

Let's see beyond the hydrogen colours together!

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Biogas‚ agriculture and waste management

Biogas‚ agriculture and waste management

To assess climate impacts and develop mitigation strategies.

With deep expertise in sustainability assessment and greenhouse gas emissions reductions, we provide advice on the carbon footprint of biogas, agriculture and waste-to-energy projects. Our approach includes assessments of relevant directives and regulations, market analysis, emission reduction guidance, and reliable monitoring procedures. 

In need of a customized inventory and abatement tool? Contact us.

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Other contributions

Other contributions

Because climate change is not just about carbon dioxide and methane.

Our multidisciplinary and creative team of experts is ready to collaborate with you to tackle your specific needs to ensure a positive environmental outcome.

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Decarbonization of the oil and gas sector
Decarbonization of the oil and gas sector

Reduction of methane emissions and flaring along the oil and gas value chain

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Climate policy and strategy
Climate policy and strategy

Economic and risk management insights to develop strategies and make better business and climate policy decisions

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Carbon and climate finance
Carbon and climate finance

Current and next generation of instruments to drive low carbon development

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Carbon capture utilization and storage
Carbon capture utilization and storage

To abate emissions that could not otherwise be reduced

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Carbon dioxide removal
Carbon dioxide removal

Avoid, reduce, remove.

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Low carbon hydrogen
Low carbon hydrogen

Achieving low carbon hydrogen requires a good understanding of the value chain emissions

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Biogas‚ agriculture and waste management
Biogas‚ agriculture and waste management

To assess climate impacts and develop mitigation strategies.

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Other contributions
Other contributions

Because climate change is not just about carbon dioxide and methane.

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We go the extra mile to deliver tailored and innovative solutions

Get in touch with us today to discuss your ideas, challenges, and opportunities.

The latest

Follow our LinkedIn feed for a firsthand look into Carbon Limits' journey, with regular updates, milestones, and intriguing behind-the-scenes moments.

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🕺 We would like to give Dr. Moises Covarrubias warm welcome to our team! 💃 Moises graduated from Wageningen University and Research, with a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Policy and has acquired advanced certifications in the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development and Climate Law from the University of Cambridge.
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🎉 Welcome Samuel Voorwalt onboard Carbon Limits!
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🚀 Empowering the Next Generation of Carbon Removal Innovators! 🌍 Marton Leander Vølstad from Carbon Limits had the honor of serving as a panel judge at the Mission Innovation SMART CDR Competition, held during the CLIMIT Summit 2025 in Larvik, Norway.

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