Developing a Roadmap for Low Carbon Hydrogen in Russia

Low carbon hydrogen
Regulation, Governence Frameworks
Service provided
Roadmap, Technology review
Time period
World Bank
Russian Federation
Developing a Roadmap for Low Carbon Hydrogen in Russia
Photo by Nikita Karimov on Unsplash

Project description

Low carbon hydrogen (LCH) refers to hydrogen gas produced using methods that minimize greenhouse gas emissions throughout its entire lifecycle. LCH is typically generated through processes that utilize renewable energy sources (such as electrolysis powered by solar or wind energy) or by capturing and storing the carbon emissions generated during hydrogen production from fossil fuels. 

Carbon Limits partnered with several independent modelers and Deloitte France to conduct this project for Russia. The modelling teams assessed the technical and economic potential of LCH, and Carbon Limits evaluated the results for developing a roadmap for LCH development in the country. The final report documented the LCH production pathways through literature review, understand the role of hydrogen (H2) in the global clean energy transition, analyze existing H2 roadmaps and investments worldwide, assess the transition from low carbon to zero carbon H2, and ultimately create a roadmap to achieve the modeled results in Russia.


The team

Gaëlle Cauchois
Gaëlle Cauchois
Associate Director
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Anastasia Isaenko
Anastasia Isaenko
Principal Consultant
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Malavika Venugopal
Malavika Venugopal
Senior Consultant
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