Gas Flaring Assessment: Strategies, Mitigation Options and Emissions Calculation
Project description
The Norwegian Environment Agency commissioned Carbon Limits to perform a study on gas flaring and related air emissions from oil and gas activities in Norway. The study was done in cooperation with Combustion Resources Ltd. (USA), and comprised the following activities:
- Data collection (survey + interviews) for all flares and flare sites in Norway, comprising technical data on flare design, operational characteristics and description of past measures and planned investments.
- Structured interviews with selected flare manufacturers
- Review of research on emissions to air of different pollutants depending on flare conditions and design
- Review of methods to quantify emissions of CH4, nmVOC, NOx, SOx and BC
- Assessment of BAT, and comparisons of applied techniques with BAT for all flare installations
- Assessment of potential for reductions in air pollution from flaring and barriers
- Assessment of the quality of the methods used to determine emissions to air from flares in Norway