Methane Detection and Quantification Technologies for Flares

Project description
The Recommended Practices for Methane Detection and Quantification Technologies for Flares is a project conducted on behalf of the Energy Institute, and pertains to technologies for the measurement and quantification of flare combustion efficiency and destruction removal efficiency. The recommended practices provided an overview of available technologies, technology datasheets, and a technology filtering tool. The project was conducted using data collection, literature reviews and interviews with technology providers to better understand capabilities and deployment to monitor and quantify flare emissions.
This project is an extension of the OGCI, IOGP and Ipieca Recommended Practices for methane emissions detection and quantification technologies, which provides a framework for the implementation of methane detection and quantification technologies for the upstream oil and gas sector at both onshore and offshore assets.
The Report is published on the Energy Institute website here:
The Technology Filtering tool is available here: