Moises Covarubbias
Moises Covarubbias
Senior Consultant
Working on: Carbon capture utilization and storage
February 2025

Moises graduated from Wageningen University and Research, with a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Policy and has acquired advanced certifications in the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development and Climate Law from the University of Cambridge. He has experience in CCUS, focusing on societal support, public policy instruments, and business model innovation to implement CCUS in industrial clusters. Moises has published peer-reviewed articles and technical reports on topics such as CCUS, industrial decarbonization, and energy. He has also contributed to international and European processes and consultations, such as the EU Industrial Carbon Management Strategy. Moises is passionate about collaborating with diverse stakeholders and engaging with the public to co-design innovative solutions for climate mitigation.

In his free time, Moises enjoys engaging in climate fora to discuss Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. He also enjoys dancing Tango.


Some of 


's contributions (public references only)

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