Samuel Voorwalt
Samuel Voorwalt
Working on: Carbon capture utilization and storage, Carbon dioxide removal, Decarbonization of the oil and gas sector
February 2025

Samuel is a graduate from NTNU in Trondheim with a Msc in Industrial Ecology. In his thesis, he focused on the development of the LCIA method to include financial impacts of plastic pollution on coastal tourism. Following his studies, he worked a number of environmental topics in a large international manufacturing company. His focus was on various topics like scope 1-3 climate accounting, EPDs, LCAs, nature- and climate-based risk assessments, and the development of science-based CO2 reduction targets. He combines his experience in industry-applied environmental management with the methodological understanding of climate impact assessment tools like material flow analysis, LCA, and Input-output analysis. 

In his free time, Samuel enjoys making music on the piano and guitar and by starring in a shanty-choir. If he's not out making music, he's usually throwing around a rugby ball or smashing a padel- or squash ball around the court. 


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