Öykü Uyanık
Öykü Uyanık
Working on: Climate policy and strategy, Carbon and climate finance
February 2025

Öykü has an MSc. degree in Climate Studies from Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands with a specialization on Environmental Policy. Her thesis was about personal carbon trading and mobility practices in Finland. She also holds an MBA degree from Galatasaray University in Turkiye and a BSc. in Environmental Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. 

Before joining Carbon Limits, Öykü worked in the Directorate of Climate Change of Turkiye in the Carbon Pricing Department for 3 years where she contributed to the studies on Emissions Trading System and Voluntary Carbon Market while representing Turkiye as the Article 6 Negotiator in COP27 and SB meetings. 

Öykü is the right person if you want to chat about climate negotiations or just looking for a recipe from the Turkish cuisine! Now that she's in Norway, she plans to spend her spare time outdoors with her family and be closer with nature.

Image credit: John Cameron on Unsplash


Some of 


's contributions (public references only)

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