Energy Efficiency through Identification of Methane Reduction Potential in Ukraine
Project description
In an assignment financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Norwegian Technical Assistance Trust Fund with NEFCO, Carbon Limits completed a field study followed by techno-economic analysis on selected upstream gas production and pre-treatment facilities in Eastern Ukraine. The project included on-site survey of gas production units, well site, storage and loading station, gas compression units and other gas handling units with the objective of identifying main methane (and non-methane VOC) emission sources and quantification of the magnitudes. In addition to numerous leak points that were repaired or tagged to be repaired, a number of specific opportunities to recover the vent gases was identified and analyzed. The specific cases were studied from the standpoint of technical applicability of relevant mitigation solutions, economic return on potential investment as well as environmental benefits and GHG reduction impact.
Since the results were presented in fall 2017, the company installations has started implementing part of the proposed solutions.