Hesam's main focus areas are emission reduction project analysis and development in the energy sector. Hesam has a long track-record in techno-economic assessments of mitigation options (methane reduction, flare, etc.), has been developing GHG inventories, supporting countries developing Emission Trading Systems, establishing monitoring, reporting and verification systems for emission reduction projects and carrying out portfolio assessment of mitigation projects under flexible carbon crediting mechanisms (CDM, JI, FQD, national offsets, voluntary schemes…). He has a significant international experience, being involved in projects in Norway, Nigeria, Ukraine, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Uganda, Canada, US, Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Russia and Hungary, including numerous field jobs.
Hesam with his infrared eyes is always on the go to find new methane leaks. It can be difficult to track his whereabouts and he can be missed in the office as he does not hesitate to crack a joke here and there.
's contributions (public references only)