Methane Transparency Database for the EU Methane Regulation

Decarbonization of the oil and gas sector
Methane, Regulation
Service provided
Time period
European Commission - DG Energy
Ricardo Energy & Environment, Trinomics
Methane Transparency Database for the EU Methane Regulation
Photo by Georg Eiermann on Unsplash

Project description

In collaboration with Trinomics and Ricardo, Carbon Limits contributed to the development of the Methane Transparency Database for the EU Methane Emissions in the Energy Sector Regulation (as it was known at the time). This initiative aimed to enhance transparency regarding methane emissions associated with fossil fuel imports into the European Union. Carbon Limits played a key role in refining the database by incorporating additional data sources and information elements, particularly for the oil and gas subsector, and by supporting the design and testing of the methane intensity profiles. The project ensured that the database was prepared to publish methane intensity profiles promptly once Member States and importers submitted the required data. Furthermore, the database was enhanced to include comprehensive information, extending beyond the strict requirements of the proposed regulation.


The team

Stephanie Saunier
Stephanie Saunier
Managing Director
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Benjamin Heras Cruz
Benjamin Heras Cruz
Principal Consultant
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Manon Simon
Manon Simon
Principal Consultant
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Irina Semykina
Irina Semykina
Senior Consultant
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Malavika Venugopal
Malavika Venugopal
Senior Consultant
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Elfie Roy
Elfie Roy
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Séverine Lemaire
Séverine Lemaire
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Maxime Malbranque
Maxime Malbranque
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