Benjamin is an expert on climate change mitigation in the oil and gas sector. Benjamin has worked extensively on capacity building for methane emissions management. Additionally, he has supported the development of measurement campaigns in various countries. Benjamin has in-depth knowledge of regulatory aspects related to climate and carbon finance, methane management and CCUS. Prior to Carbon Limits, Benjamín worked at SEMARNAT as well as at the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA) in Mexico on methane reduction and CCS topics. Benjamin is an industrial and systems engineer from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, and has a M.Sc. in Environmental and Energy Management from George Washington University.
Always up for a staring contest in the office, Benjamin has a natural quiet force that brings peacefulness to all his colleagues. Benjamin makes the best guacamole to be found outside of Mexico. At team’s events you can be sure that he will bring toques toques and of course a pinata!
's contributions (public references only)