Webinar: Strategies for Identifying and Managing Overselling Risks under A6
Image by Kathleen Ang
Project description
As more countries begin to pilot Article 6 activities, develop Article 6 strategies, and formulate NDC implementation plans, one emerging lesson is that managing overselling risks depends on both the characteristics of the specific proposed cooperative mitigation activity and the details of the host country’s NDC goals and reporting frameworks (e.g., the GHG inventory that supports tracking NDC progress).
This webinar covered the following topics:
- Policy analysis from Carbon Limits, INFRAS and SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute
- Framework for thinking about overselling risks for specific activities or activity types
- How to prioritize different risk management strategies
Representatives from host countries and potential buyer countries will also discuss how they see risk management and what specific strategies they are considering
Two similar sessions were held, and can be view via the following links: